
Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 18:30

Pre-Employment Health Screenings

Pre-Employment Health Screenings are a set of medical assessments and examinations conducted before a candidate is officially hired by an organization. These screenings are designed to evaluate a candidate’s physical and mental health to ensure they are fit for the job they are applying for. The aim is to identify any health conditions or potential issues that might affect their job performance, safety, or ability to carry out the required duties.

 Pre-employment health screenings incorporated into hiring process 

Assessment Criteria: Define the specific criteria that candidates need to meet based on the job requirements. This may include physical fitness, mental health, vision and hearing acuity, or specific medical requirements based on the nature of the job.

Medical Questionnaires: Require candidates to complete medical questionnaires or health history forms as part of their application process. This allows them to disclose any pre-existing conditions or health concerns.

Mental Health Screening: Evaluate candidates’ mental health through psychological assessments or interviews, particularly for positions that require high levels of stress management or decision-making.

Medical Professionals: Employ licensed healthcare professionals or clinics to conduct thorough health assessments and examinations. Ensure that these professionals are aware of the specific job requirements.

Communication: Clearly communicate the purpose and process of pre-employment health screenings to candidates, and ensure transparency about how the results will be used in the hiring decision.

Review and Adapt: Periodically review and update pre-employment health screening protocols to align with evolving job requirements, industry standards, and legal regulations