One in 7 people in India are affected by mental health issues 15% of working-age adults live with a mental disorder. 28% of people are mentally unfit, suffering from mental illness, out of which 35% are in depression Only 41% deal with mental health issues by sharing experience or seeking support. one billion people were living with a mental disorder in 2019 COVID-19 pandemic triggers 25% increase in prevalence of anxiety and depression worldwide Globally, an estimated 12 billion working days are lost every year to depression and anxiety at a cost of US$ 1 trillion per year in lost productivity.

HR and People Management

HR and People Management

Talent Acquitions and Retention
Employee Engagement and culture
Performance Management
Labour Laws and compliance
Art of Delegation
Design Thinking


Effective Human Resources (HR) and People Management is the cornerstone of a thriving and successful organization. Our Corporate Training Program on HR and People Management is designed to equip your HR professionals and leadership teams with the skills and knowledge necessary to attract, retain, and maximize the potential of your workforce. In an ever-evolving corporate landscape, the ability to manage and engage people effectively is crucial for sustained growth and success.


The Importance of HR and People Management:

In today’s competitive business environment, organizations that prioritize HR and People Management are better positioned to attract and retain top talent, foster a positive workplace culture, and optimize their human capital. A well-managed workforce can lead to improved productivity, innovation, and overall organizational success.


Program Highlights:


Talent Acquisition and Recruitment: Our program covers strategies for identifying, attracting, and onboarding top talent, ensuring that your organization has the right people in the right roles.


Employee Engagement and Retention: We explore techniques for creating a positive workplace culture, enhancing employee engagement, and implementing effective retention strategies.


Performance Management: Participants will learn to set clear performance expectations, provide constructive feedback, and conduct performance appraisals that drive individual and organizational success.


Conflict Resolution and Communication: Effective communication and conflict resolution are essential. Our program provides tools for addressing workplace conflicts and fostering open, productive communication.


Leadership and Team Development: We address leadership skills and team-building strategies that enhance collaboration and drive your organization forward.


Program Outcomes:

Upon completion of the program, your HR professionals and leadership teams will experience tangible benefits:


Enhanced recruitment and talent acquisition capabilities.

Improved employee engagement and retention rates.

More effective performance management and development.

Enhanced conflict resolution and communication skills.

Stronger leadership and team-building capabilities.



Get Started with Customized Corporate Training

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