One in 7 people in India are affected by mental health issues 15% of working-age adults live with a mental disorder. 28% of people are mentally unfit, suffering from mental illness, out of which 35% are in depression Only 41% deal with mental health issues by sharing experience or seeking support. one billion people were living with a mental disorder in 2019 COVID-19 pandemic triggers 25% increase in prevalence of anxiety and depression worldwide Globally, an estimated 12 billion working days are lost every year to depression and anxiety at a cost of US$ 1 trillion per year in lost productivity.

Enhancing Social Emotional Faculties

Enhancing Social Emotional Faculties

Cross Culture Etiquettes
Independent Tasking
Development of EQ through Mental Fitness
SWOT Analysis
Interpersonal Skills
Confidence Building Measures
Decision Making
Conflict Resolution
Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
Art of Communication

In today’s rapidly evolving corporate landscape, success isn’t solely measured by professional skills and technical expertise. It also hinges on the ability to navigate complex social and emotional dynamics effectively. Our Corporate Training Program on Enhancing Social-Emotional Faculties is designed to equip your workforce with the essential tools to excel in both professional and interpersonal spheres. This program addresses the growing recognition that social-emotional skills are paramount in fostering a productive, innovative, and harmonious workplace.


Why Social-Emotional Skills Matter:

Modern organizations thrive when their employees are equipped with well-developed social-emotional faculties. These skills encompass self-awareness, self-regulation, empathy, and effective communication. When cultivated, they lead to improved teamwork, leadership, and conflict resolution – vital for individual growth and collective success. Our program delves deep into these critical aspects, fostering a more cohesive and adaptable corporate culture.


Program Highlights:


Self-Awareness: We believe that understanding oneself is the first step to building strong social-emotional skills. Our program starts with self-assessment and self-reflection to help individuals gain insights into their emotions, strengths, and areas for growth.


Emotional Regulation: Participants will learn to manage and channel their emotions constructively. This includes techniques for handling stress, maintaining focus, and fostering emotional resilience in challenging situations.


Empathy and Interpersonal Skills: We emphasize the value of understanding others’ perspectives and empathizing with their experiences. Participants will develop improved communication and interpersonal skills to enhance teamwork and leadership abilities.


Conflict Resolution: Our training program provides strategies for resolving conflicts and addressing issues in a healthy and productive manner, thus creating a more harmonious work environment.


Effective Communication: Strong communication skills are essential for collaboration and leadership. Our training equips participants with the tools to communicate clearly, listen actively, and provide constructive feedback.


Program Outcomes:

Upon completion of the program, your employees will experience positive transformations in their work and personal lives. They will be better equipped to:


Navigate complex workplace relationships with greater ease.

Promote teamwork and collaboration within the organization.

Enhance leadership capabilities by understanding and managing emotions.

Improve conflict resolution skills and reduce workplace tension.

Elevate communication to foster a more productive and supportive corporate environment.



Get Started with Customized Corporate Training

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