Since 2021

We're a top growing startup in India

Enhancing Competencies and Capabilties to make Informed Decision for a Wholesome Life.


About Us

Recognizing the challenges individuals face such as low self-awareness and self-esteem, difficulties in handling failure, exam stress, peer pressure, anxiety, and inadequate management of healthy relationships, KEY Educare Systems Pvt. Ltd. was established in September 2021 as a solution to address these issues. KEY Educare is uniquely placed as a bridge between parenting and formal education for enhancing one’s capacity to learn, understand, behave and perform to their optimum capacity in the most productive and value oriented fashion. With the rise of information and misinformation in the world it is imperative to process information in the right manner  and make well informed choices to lead a happy ,successful and fulfilled life. 

Key Educare recognizes that education should not only focus on academic excellence but also on empowering students to become well-rounded individuals. KEY Educare has multiple programs suited for different age groups . The wide spectrum ranges from pre-schools , schools , colleges , all the way to corporates for instilling and upgrading essential 21st century skills. KEY Competency Enhancement Program (KCEP) is designed and delivered to help an individual  rise to the challenges of the future by nurturing their abilities, motivating them to self-operate, explore disciplines and career prospects independently. 

We implement philosophy and methodology designed and developed by experts to form a future-minded curriculum. We believe in observation – based approaches in facilitating  and nurturing young minds that have proven life-changing results Each module and session is delivered physically by our subject matter experts (KEY friends) offering every learner a unique, hands-on and game based learning experience.  The journey is exciting as we look to empower each individual to make informed decisions and nurturing them into becoming global citizens.


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To impact lives with KEYs Skills, Create National Assets and make them One World Citizens

To nurture and nourish the body, mind, and soul of learners while complimenting the education system, enabling them to thrive globally based on the four Es of Expansion,Equity,Excellence and Employability
