
Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 18:30

Frequently asked questions.

For School

KEYS program aims to supplement the CBSE efforts and complement the school environment with already trained renowned names in the industry that have been working with different school age groups for years together. The program aims to complete the picture of life, rather than treating it as a subject.
KEYS program encompasses all the life skills suggested by WHO and the 21st Century skills proposed by Wagner. Age appropriate game based, experiential learning activities aimed at enhancing the physical, mental and spiritual quotient of students and promises to take them closer to unlocking their full potential.

Yes, our training programs are tailored to meet your organization's unique requirements. We work closely with you to design and deliver training that aligns with your goals and challenges.Every Modules is delivered with a pre assessment for the employees and the training is customized as per the assessment done.

Schools are creating life full filling souls who are confident one world citizens. Focussed students, Cognitively reframed young minds, improved classroom interaction, lesser behaviour problems and a higher success rate in different domains. The students will be somebodies, whom the schools are proud of as high 

achievers, besides the extra revenue available to the school.

Our program actually pre-dates NEP and is a wholesome aspect of life, which the NEP is also hoping to accomplish. All the recommendations of NEP are already inbuilt in the KEYS program. The program is multifaceted, involving a learner centric pedagogy, provides a holistic report card to the parents making use of technology, incorporates AI, Creates self- awareness, focusses on 21st century skills, develops the right brain, builds competencies, shapes them into more empathetic individuals, trains them on cyber safety, instills values and dispositions supporting a commitment to the nation and makes them global citizens.
Counselors are not equipped to be experts at all different aspects of life hence; it is best left to trained experts to handhold young children towards shaping their destiny. With an increase in the number of students and parents requiring help, a lot of time is spent on identifying problems and giving solutions individually, leaving limited time in the hands of Counsellors. Moreover the program design aims at bringing about a change in the attitude of an entire set of students instead of one.

There is always a scope of Improvement in every Human Being and scoring well is no guarantee of success in life. KEYS program is designed the change the whole panorama of the school and add to its aura with its well curated modules structured according to the mental age of children chartering a track of growth for the students and consequently for the schools., giving the participating schools an edge over other schools in various dimensions.

Our trainers and instructors are unparalleled experts in their respective fields, boasting an exceptional wealth of industry experience that spans years of dedicated immersion in their domains. Their backgrounds are steeped in the real-world intricacies and nuances of their areas of expertise, allowing them to bring forth a trove of practical insights that enrich and elevate every facet of our training sessions.

The need has never been as strongly felt as today and therefore, the National Education Policy (NEP) too is recommending it and we have taken the steps to create National Assets. An optional program would defeat the purpose of bringing about a qualitative change in a comprehensive manner, as there would be visible differences between the groups of students who opted and the ones who did not opt for it. Thus the fragrance in the school environment would be unevenly spread.

The cost of our training programs depends on factors such as program duration, customization, and the number of participants. Contact our team for a personalized quote and to discuss budget options

The cost of our training programs depends on factors such as program duration, customization, and the number of participants. Contact our team for a personalized quote and to discuss budget options

The cost of our training programs depends on factors such as program duration, customization, and the number of participants. Contact our team for a personalized quote and to discuss budget options
The cost of our training programs depends on factors such as program duration, customization, and the number of participants. Contact our team for a personalized quote and to discuss budget options
The cost of our training programs depends on factors such as program duration, customization, and the number of participants. Contact our team for a personalized quote and to discuss budget options

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